January 2024 Summary ($975)

My January Summary

💰 Sales: $1.05K (+13%) 💸 Proceeds: $837 (+11%)

👾 Ads: $131.06 (started mid-Jan) 🔗 Affiliate: $7.60

Total pre-tax: $975

Comment So far I’ve been “indie hacking” for 7 months, although in reality, I’ve worked full-time maybe for 4-5 months.

Kids, infections, surgery, moving countries, bureaucracy, and paperwork took a big toll on my productivity. I’m working on reverting this trend this year.

Summary There has not been much revenue growth this month, although I’m quite happy with how my apps have grown regarding ASO.

Next month I’m planning to release 1-3 more apps and work on improving existing ones.

I continue to diversify my portfolio. I also built a couple of websites which I’m planning to grow with SEO.

I’m also looking into building a bigger business in the AI/Medicine space this year with my friend.

Runway With around €26k in savings, €1,7k income, and €2,7k monthly burn I have around 26 months of the runway which is a comfortable number.
